What Are The Benefits Of Regular Air Conditioner Servicing?

Regular air conditioner servicing ensures your system operates efficiently, maintains the desired temperature and provides clean air to your home. By keeping your unit in tip-top shape, you can enjoy several benefits such as:

Improved energy efficiency

Regular servicing can optimise energy consumption, lowering your power bills.

Extended lifespan

Routine maintenance can help prevent system breakdowns and extend the life of your air conditioner.

Better indoor air quality

Clean filters and ducts reduce allergens, dust and other pollutants, providing a healthier living environment.

Reduced repair costs

Early detection of issues during servicing can help avoid costly repairs or replacements in the future.

Maintained warranty coverage

Many manufacturers require regular servicing to uphold warranty conditions.

How Often Should You Service Your Air Conditioner?

As a general rule, it’s recommended to have your air conditioner serviced at least once a year. However, factors such as usage, location and the type of system you have can influence the servicing frequency.

For heavy usage or units installed in dusty environments, servicing may be required more frequently. Alternatively, ducted systems may need servicing every two years, while split systems should be serviced annually. Always consult your owner’s manual or a professional, like Celtic Air, for specific guidance on your system.

Warning Signs That Your Air Conditioner May Need Immediate Servicing

Keep an eye out for these tell-tale signs that your air conditioner may require immediate attention:

Poor Performance

If your unit struggles to maintain the desired temperature or takes longer to cool your space, it may need servicing.

Unusual Noises

Strange sounds, such as rattling or hissing, could indicate a loose part or a refrigerant leak.

Foul Odours

Musty or burning smells may suggest mould growth or electrical issues.

Excessive Dust

An accumulation of dust around your home could be a sign of dirty filters or ducts.

Increased Energy Bills

A sudden spike in your power bill may indicate a decline in your air conditioner’s efficiency.

If you notice any of these warning signs, contact a trusted air conditioning specialist like Celtic Air to schedule an inspection.

When Is The Best Time To Have An Air Conditioner Serviced?

The ideal time to service your air conditioner is during the off-peak seasons, such as spring and autumn. This will help ensure your system is prepared for the increased demand during the hot summer months and the cooler winter season.

Scheduling your service during off-peak times may also offer more availability and possibly lower costs, as technicians are less likely to be booked up during these periods.

Don’t Delay, Call Celtic Air Today!

Regular air conditioner servicing is crucial to maintaining a comfortable and healthy home environment. By partnering with Celtic Air, you can ensure that your system runs efficiently and effectively, all while saving money on your energy bills and enjoying clean, comfortable air.

Our team of dedicated technicians is experienced in servicing all types of air conditioning systems, ensuring that your home stays cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Don’t wait for your air conditioner to show signs of trouble – schedule your service with Celtic Air today.